The My.N Developer Toolkit contains the source code for the user interface of an integrated business management and accounting software system.
The Toolkit allows you to integrate the accounting engine with existing applications and develop business applications with complete freedom to build your own user interface and add complex functionality.
My.N’s Developer Toolkit uses our own Net Business Framework (NBF) which has been designed from the ground up for developers. My.N’s architecture makes full use of the .Net 3.5 framework and takes a ‘Building Block’ approach.
This makes it easy for you to develop and integrate new features while making it easy for you to retain and make use of the existing architecture.
New ‘modules’ can be created and ‘plugged in’ to the existing system while existing modules are kept. Future releases will automatically upgrade standard modules, while allowing your customized application to retain its structure.
Toolkit contents
- A series of .Net Assemblies that contain:
- A powerful accounting engine supporting stock control, CRM and accounts
- A forms engine that allows you to deliver forms that may be customized by users at run time
- A reporting tool that can be used to build reports and browser screens
- A set of Visual Studio .Net Projects that contains the source code for the user interface for each separate function of an ERP application. Each of these can be modified, extended or replaced. In its unmodified state, this is the source code for ‘My.N’.
- A Visual Studio Host project that implements the features under the umbrella of an MDI interface – the My.N Standard application.
- A Visual Studio Host project that implements the features under the umbrella of an ‘Outlook’ style interface – the My.N Ledger View application.
- An option includes the source code (in C# and HTML) for a Visual Web Developer ASP.Net e-commerce Website with customizable themes.