Module | Alterations |
Organize > Manage Companies > Contact | Contact Name - User friendly error message is now displayed when attempting to save a contact that has no forename or surname. Contact name cannot be blank |
Purchases > Invoices | Add VAT to Cost - VAT is added to the cost of Purchase Order charges and Direct Invoice lines when the system is setup to use the AddVatToCost system parameter |
Purchases > Invoice for Purchase Orders | Query Reference - Purchase Invoices no longer fail on post due to the Query Reference not being set up in new databases. System now allows users to post without a query reference |
Purchases > Direct Invoice | Charges - Tab order has been altered so that the cursor now enters the amount field when tabbing from the charge description field (New Skin: nbfPInvoice) |
Purchases > Invoices for Purchase Orders | Fixed Assets - Purchase Orders with a mixture of standard stock items and fixed assets can now be invoiced in one go rather than having to post separate invoices |
Purchases > Pay Suppliers | BBBLF BACS type - Bank description is cropped to 18 characters for BBBLF BACS type to comply with their requirement. |
Purchases > Pay Suppliers > Bulk Payment Run | BACS - System now checks that the reconciled BACS breakdown amount matches the total of the associated lines before posting |
Purchases > Pay Suppliers > Bulk Payment Run | Settle - All values in the Settle column are deselected on load when the selected amounts have been reset to 0 |
Purchases > Pay Suppliers > Pay CIS Liability | CIS - CIS liability transactions are automatically selected for payment once the original CIS transaction has been matched against the supplier's account and the return date is not greater than this match date |
Purchases / Sales > Orders & Invoices | Settlement Discount - Charges are now included in the settlement discount calculations and the provisional settlement discount amounts are re-calculated when the settlement discount percentage is altered on all orders and invoices. Provision for settlement discount is now also calculated when invoicing sales orders by using the 'Invoice and Despatch' button rather than going through the Despatch screen. |
Purchases / Sales > Ledger Maintenance > Cash Matching | Settlement Discount - Cash matches that include settlement discount will now always balance to 0 for base currency, second base currency and the account's currency for accounts which aren't in base currency e.g. EUR, USD. The Settlement Discount Applicable column is also correctly selected for these accounts |
Sales > Invoice Direct | Skin - Invalid Reason Code property has been removed from the skin (New Skin: nbfSalesInvoice) |
Sales > Credits > Collection Notes | Add Invoice - User friendly error message is displayed to inform the user that they must assign a collection number before adding any invoices or invoice lines to the Collection Note. The Customer Reference field has also been moved to the main screen. (New Skin: nbfSalesCreditCollection) |
Sales > Credits > Receive Goods | Warning message - A warning message when receiving less goods than what was entered on the Collection Note is only displayed once per Collection Note |
Sales > Ledger Maintenance > Cash Matching | Order - Transactions are now ordered by transaction date and transaction reference |
Sales > Ledger Maintenance > Debt Chasing | Credit Control - Columns have been realigned to load the correct data |
Sales > Delivery Manifest | Save - Manifests are now automatically saved as soon as they're created. This will prevent multiple users from creating a manifest against the same delivery route and date before either is saved. |
Nominal > Journals | Auto Reverse - Auto reversing a journal into the current open period while the period override option is used will now crystallise the period - system was bumping it on to the next period when the period was closed down. System blocks users from Auto Reversing into a period less than or equal to the original journal's period. Tax point and budget required dates are also set to the same date as the transaction date for the auto reverse posting. |
Nominal > Fixed Asset Browse | Fixed Asset Credit Nominal - The initial Credit Nominal is now populated when viewing Fixed Asset information. Percentage labels have been renamed (New Skin: nbfFASelect) |
Nominal > Fixed Assets | Serial Number - Alphanumeric serial numbers are now displayed correctly |
Nominal > Trial Balance | Trial Balance Drilldown Details & Summary - Screen now recognises changes made to the Include Site Break, Include Depot Break, Include Cost Centre Break and Include Department Break immediately when changed. The grid is now only refreshed once per change of report parameters. The site and depot are no longer set to the system defaults and the report will ignore Site, Depot, Cost Centre or Department in the filter for the details screen when they've not been selected. |
Reporting > Profit and Loss Report | Percentage Columns - All percentage columns are now displayed correctly when exported to Excel (Actual %, Budget % and Variance %) |
Reporting > Nominal > Trial Balance | Report Date - The report date is now set to the period end date when filtering by period parameters. |
Tools > Import | Validation - All imports are now aborted when terminal errors are found during the validation stage |
New Database | Settlement Discount - New databases are now defaulted to not calculate VAT on invoice amount after deducting settlement discount after the law change in April 2015. |
Minor Features
Module | Functionality |
File > Print Queue | Sales Order document - The despatch date and delivery route displayed in the print queue for the specified Sales Order document are now updated for all users when these details are altered. |
File > Print Queue | Payment Type - The payment type selected at the time of payment is available on the print queue for Remittance Advice documents e.g. BACS |
File > Reprint | Reprint Range - Option to enter a range of documents to be reprinted (New Skin: nbfReprint) |
Organize > Manage Companies | Show Deactivated Accounts - An option to select a deactivated companies becomes available when the browse screen is called via the company management screen (New Skin: nbfStockSelectEx) |
Sales > Sales Order | Buying Group - The customer's Buying Group is now available on the Sales Order. |
Sales > Browse Customers > Open Items | Reverse Transaction - Journals, Cash Payments and Cash Receipts can now be reversed from the new customer open items screen (MQP, MQR, CPP, JNL) |
Nominal > Journal | Department and Cost Centre - Department and Cost Centre is now available at header level. Line level departments and cost centres are defaulted to these value |
Nominal > Journal | Single Department Transactions - A single department transaction override option (SingleDepNoPostOverride) is available on the journal when using the single department system parameter (SingleDepNoPost). This allows departments on the line level to be different to the header department. |
Nominal > Journal | Single Cost Centre Transactions - A single cost centre transaction override option (SingleCcNoPostOverride) is available on the journal when using the single cost centre system parameter (SingleCcNoPost). This allows cost centres on the line level to be different to the header cost centre. |
Nominal > Cash Book > Bank Reconciliation | Payment Type - A payment type property is available and can be filtered on. |
Nominal > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Ledger Accounts | Nominal Types - A nominal account's type can be changed between 'E' and type 'I' for P&L accounts and to any non control account type for Balance Sheet accounts |
Nominal > Ledger Maintenance > Depots | Dead flag - A dead flag is now available on Depots. Depots marked as dead are excluded from all lookup lists. Cannot mark the default depot as dead. |
Nominal > Budgets > Maintain Budgets | Responsibility Name - The responsible staff member's name is now available, which is populated after selecting the responsible staff ID. |
Nominal > Complaints | Select Screen - Sales Invoice number and Purchase Transaction Numbers are now available on the selection screen (New Skin: nbfCompSelect) |
Nominal > Complaints | Linked Invoices - Purchase and Sales Invoice numbers are now validated when leaving the field. |
Stock > Adjustments > Stock Take | Selection Screen - Closed snap shots are no longer shown on the browse screen |
Stock > Stock Item Maintenance | Show Deactivated Items - An option to select a deactivated stock item becomes available when the browse screen is called via the stock maintenance screen (New Skin: nbfCompanyBrowseSelectForm) |
Stock > Ledger Maintenance > Categories > Catalog Entries | Discontinued Status - Catalog entries marked as dead are now excluded from all lookup lists |
Reporting > Profit and Loss Report | Nominal Code - Account's nominal code is now displayed along with the nominal description |
Reporting > Extended P&L Report | Department & Cost Centre - Each column within the report can now be filtered by a specific Department and/or Cost Centre. There's also an option to filter by blank department and/or cost centre (New Skin: nbfRepParamsPandLExtended) |
Reporting > Nominal > Detail Listing Report | Department & Cost Centre - Department and Cost Centre names are now displayed on the Detailed Listing report |
Reports > Nominal > Vat Return | VAT Return - The VAT amount transferred from the VAT control account to the Liability account when finalising a VAT Return can now be split by Depot, Site, Department and Cost Centre by using the new VatReturnBrkdwn system parameter. |
Reporting > User Reports | Report Parameters - Report parameters are now split into multiple columns when there are more than 12 parameters on a report as there is no scroll bar on the selection screen. A third column is used when there are more than 24 parameters. |
Tools > Copy Company | Toolbar Colour - The toolbar background colour is now displayed as green for copy companies. This gives the user a visual indicator that they're not logged into the live system |
Tools > System Parameter > General Settings | Single Department Transactions - SingleDepNoPost system parameter to enforce rule that all department lines equal the header department for all transactions |
Tools > System Parameter > General Settings | Single Cost Centre Transactions - SingleCcNoPost system parameter to enforce rule that all cost centre lines equal the header cost centre for all transactions |
Tools > Local Settings | User preferences - The user preferences file now contains the My.N username so that each user has their own file and can subsequently have their own skin directory in a server environment |
Menu | Default Menu - New default menu with the following options; Cancel Purchase Return, Extended P&L Report, Provisional VAT Return Breakdown Advanced Report, Import Barcodes, Import Cash Payments and Receipts. |