
Module Alterations
Organize > Companies > Manage Companies > Contact Error Message - User friendly error message is displayed when attempting to delete a contact that cannot be deleted due to referential integrity e.g. linked to events, delivery addresses etc. The new error message is displayed when selecting Edit > Delete, rather than on save.
Organize > Companies > Manage Companies > Delivery Addresses Error Message - User friendly error message is displayed when attempting to delete a delivery address that cannot be deleted due to referential integrity e.g. linked to a contact etc. The new error message is displayed when selecting Edit > Delete, rather than on save.
Organize > Companies > Manage Companies > Email Email Addresses - Multiple email addresses can be added to the email, cc and bcc fields when a space is entered after ';' or ',' in these fields
Organize > Events And Tasks > Receive Emails Emails - System will display the already opened email if you select Open for a second time, rather than opening two instances of the same email. This ensures that attachments are always displayed and stored in the database
Organize > Events And Tasks > Receive Emails Email Addresses - All email addresses included in the original email are now included when replying.
Organize > Events And Tasks > Receive Emails Calendar Events - The date and time for a task linked against an Outlook calendar event is adjusted when the organiser alters the date/time and sends an update request from Outlook. Tasks linked against multiple events can now be deleted
Organize > Events And Tasks > Edit Mailer Template Error Message - User friendly error message is displayed to inform users that their login must be assigned to a staff record to add images to an email template
Purchases > Purchase Orders and Returns Charges - The Add Line, Order and Selected buttons on the history grids now exclude charge lines when adding items to the order / return
Purchases > Orders > Requisition Stock Tracked Items - The budget nominal is set correctly for stock tracked items. Consolidated orders are marked as back to back via stores, non consolidated orders are marked as back to back direct. Orders marked as back to back via stores must be manually despatched. Stock tracked items are automatically picked and despatched for back to back direct.
Purchases > Invoices & Credits Invoice / Credit Numbers - System blocks users from typing more than 25 characters into the Invoice and Credit Note number reference fields to prevent the SQL truncated error message
Purchases > Browse Suppliers Auto Reverse - Auto reversed Credit Notes are now posted against the correct nominal accounts, rather than against the default purchase account.
Sales > Despatch > Despatch Units Despatch Units - Despatch units that have been saved against Sales Orders on the Delivery Manifest are now brought through to the Despatch stage.
Sales > Job Management > Customer Orders Invoice & Credit - System handles users abandoning sales invoices / credits created from the customer orders screen. Error message is no longer displayed when returning to the order screen
Sales > Credits > Collection Notes Error Message - User friendly error message when the Assign / Add Invoice / Add Line buttons are selected before a customer has been set
Sales > Credits > Collection Notes Commodity Codes - Non accrued items are displayed on the receive goods screen if they're required to go through the commodity code procedure (Items set up with commodity codes for customers based in EEC countries)
Sales > Credits Customer Ref - System blocks users from typing more than 25 characters into the customer reference fields to prevent the SQL truncated error message
Sales > Credits > Credit Note VAT Only - Credit Notes that include VAT only lines can now be posted against customers based in EEC countries when the AutoReceiveNonAccruedSalesCreditItems system parameter has been set.
Sales > Ledger Maintenance > Debt Chasing Credit Terms - Calculation for the credit terms has been amended to match the logic on the Browse Supplier screen. The Within Terms value is no longer doubled and the debt chasing documents are only generated for contacts that have been marked as sales account contacts.
Sales > Browse Customers > Open Items Aged Balance - 60-90 days aged balance is now displayed with the correct sign (+/-)
Nominal > Journals > Journal Entries Auto Reverse - The correct Year End is displayed for the Auto Reverse option when the next open period is in the next year (when system is set up to post into the next open period, rather than the next open period from the transaction date)
Nominal > Journals > Journal Entries Auto Reverse - The ReverseToNextPeriod system parameter is now switched on as default. This posts reverse journals into the next open period from the journal's transaction date, rather than the next open period in the system.
Nominal > Journals > Journal Entries Auto Reverse - System blocks the transaction if the reversal period and year isn't greater than the system's current open period and year.
Nominal > Journals > Journal Entries Auto Reverse - Journals for sites who use the single department / cost centre system parameter can now be auto reversed and adjusted
Nominal > Fixed Assets > Additions Fixed Asset Description - The entered fixed asset description is now set against both the debit and credit transaction lines when posting additions
Nominal > Fixed Assets > Depreciate Depreciation - Assets are no longer incorrectly fully depreciated when running depreciation up to the last financial period in the system. System blocks users from depreciating assets this far in advance as there must be a financial period range to cover each actual year from the asset's procured date.
Nominal > Cash Book > Cash Account Transfer Error Message - User friendly error message when source and destination accounts are the same. Cannot post a cash account transfer within the same cash book account.
Nominal > Budgets Budget Breakdown - Stock Tracked items appear against the correct budget when in the Purchase Order stage. Column heading height has been increased to enable better descriptions (New Skin: nbfBudgetsYear)
Nominal > Budgets > Nominal Collections Profit & Loss Accounts - Can no longer have a combination of income and expenditure accounts within the same nominal collection.
Nominal > Budgets > Nominal Collections Auto Maintain - Profit & Loss accounts are included in their respected collections depending on their nominal type rather than their nominal groupings.
Nominal > Browse Nominal Ledger Skin - Currency amount columns use the system base currency and second base currency descriptions. Adjustment To and Adjustment By columns are now titled correctly (New Skin: DRLNOMAC)
Nominal > Browse Latest Transactions Skin - Column header height has been increased to allow better descriptions (nbfNLBrowseTransactions)
Stock > Ledger Maintenance > Stock Item Maintenance Stock Prices - System automatically removes blank price lines before saving to prevent foreign key error messages. System no longer attempts to save blank bar codes and deals better with any errors which do occur.
Reporting > Nominal > Profit & Loss Report Comparative Figures - The Accounting Periods option now returns comparative figures for the selected period range
Reporting > Nominal > Profit & Loss Extended Depot - The 'Remove' button now correctly removes a depot from the parameter list
Reporting > Purchases > Aged Balances List Transactions - The Balances Over, Amount Older Than and Order By Balances options now generate the List Transactions report without any errors
Reporting > Purchases > Detailed Listing Syntax Error - Report will now run correctly when a major break of Currency and a minor break of Account is selected
Reporting > Sales > Statements Exports - Data from the statement document can now be exported to Excel
Tools > Import Blank Lines - System will now treat a line of commas or tabs as a blank line and ignore it on import
Tools > Import > Delivery Addresses Address Number - System generated Delivery Address number is correctly calculated on import
Tools > Import > Journals Single Department & Cost Centre - Department and Cost Centre is now automatically set against the journal header when the single department & cost centre system parameters are set (set to the department & cost centre of the first journal line)
Installer UNC Path - Installer will now run correctly from the server when the client computer is using a UNC path
Open Door Reporter Export - Box colours are now exported to PDF and all text colour is exported to RTF files.

Minor Features

Module Functionality
File > Print Authorisation - Access to the Document Settings, Print Queue and Reprint options can now be controlled by the user manager (Tools > ToolsPrintDocumentSettings, ToolsPrintQueue, ToolsPrintReprint)
Edit > Add Form Item > Property /Item/Charge Line Edit Box Properties - Irrelevant properties are excluded from the list of available properties. The list is also ordered alphabetically.
Edit > Add Form Item > Drill Button Properties - Object type parameters which aren't available are now disabled when adding drill buttons. Irrelevant properties are excluded from the list of available properties. The list is also ordered alphabetically.
Purchases > Purchase Orders and Returns Custom Properties - Custom Properties are now available against purchase order and return charge lines
Purchases > Invoices & Credits Custom Properties - Custom Properties are now available against purchase invoices and credit notes
Purchase > Ledger Maintenance > Excise Codes Description - A description field is now available against each excise code
Sales > Sales Order Back to Back Orders - It's now possible to alter the quantities of all standard stock items and all back to back items where their Purchase Orders (PO) are still in draft stage when another PO has been finalised for a back to back item on the same order. The system used to block all quantity alterations (includes adding/removing items) once at least one PO had been marked as finalised. A new PO is raised when attempting to add another back to back item against a supplier where the existing PO has been finalised.
Sales > Delivery Manifest Browse Screen - Delivery manifests that have been marked as closed are now displayed with (C) at the end of their description on the manifest lookup screen
Sales > Delivery Manifest Closed Manifests - Only one delivery manifest can be created for a delivery route and date combination. Selecting the same delivery route and date will now load a closed manifest for that same combination, if one exists, rather than creating a new delivery manifest.
Nominal > Ledger Maintenance > Company Details Company Account Link - A company account field is now available, which links a company record against the trading company. This enables information such as contact details to be brought through to standard documents such as invoices.
Nominal > Budgets Budget At Nominal Level - Budgets must be assigned against either a nominal account or a nominal collection.
Nominal > Budgets Negative Budgets - Budgets against Profit & Loss accounts must always be positive. System blocks users from entering negative budgets against these account types as reports reverse the sign of budgets amounts for expenditure accounts
Nominal > Budgets > Copy Budgets Progress Bar - A progress bar appears at the top left hand corner of the screen when copying budgets
Nominal > Complaints Complaint Linked Items - Invoice lines are only split by batch number when the ComplaintsSplitByBatchNo system parameter has been selected
Stock > Ledger Maintenance > Stock Item Maintenance Barcodes - Dead Flag added to mark barcodes as inactive
Reporting > Nominal > Budget Usage Responsible Person - The person who controls a budget is available within the Budget grid. Budgets can be filtered by this column.
Reporting > Purchases > Aged Balances Filters - Site, Depot, Department and Cost Centre filters are now available on the Purchase Aged Balance report (these are not displayed as default on the standard skin). Report can also be ordered by these four options.
Tools > Processing Date Processing Date - The system's processing date is now displayed in red font on the right hand side of the toolbar when users leave the system logged in overnight. This is an indicator to remind users that the processing date does not automatically roll on to the next day without logging out & back in.
Tools > Copy Company Toolbar Colour - The toolbar background colour is now displayed as yellow for copy companies.
Tools > Import Properties - Irrelevant properties are now excluded from the list of available import properties. The list is also ordered alphabetically.
Tools > Import Templates - The list of available templates is filtered for each specified import type. Existing templates will also be shown until they're moved into the correct template type folder when saved. OK and Cancel buttons also added to the template selection screen.
Tools > Import > Companies Validation - Nominal, Area Code, Buying Group, Salesperson, Delivery Route, Delivery Method, Depot, Location, Department, Cost Centre, Bank Name, Cash Book are now validated before attempting to import Companies. Import Suppliers and Customers go through the same validation routine.
Tools > Import > Customers & Suppliers Custom Properties - Custom properties can now be imported against customer and supplier records (You must have at least one customer / supplier record in the system before custom properties are available on the import)
Tools > Import > Budgets Validation - Nominal, Nominal Collection, Cost Centre, Department, Staff Member, Year End and Amount are now validated before attempting to import Budgets.
Tools > Import > Journals Multiple Journals - Option to post multiple journals every time the journal total is zero, rather than only posting the whole import as one journal, or when the journal has only two lines and the journal total is zero e.g. £100, -£50 and -£50.
Tools > Import > Transactions Validation - All transactional imports now validate the data by checking that Nominal Accounts, Departments, Cost Centres etc. haven't been marked as dead before attempting the import.
Help Help Files - Several sections of the help files have been amended and updated
Login Delete Connection - User must now enter 'Y' into the text field to confirm deletion of a database connection. This is to prevent users from deleting connections just by clicking OK buttons without reading the messages
Grids Set Filter On - New column filter option to instantly filter by the highlighted field in a grid, rather than having to manually find the value in the filter list (Filter On appears in the options list when left clicking on a column header or right clicking anywhere on the grid)
Grids Find Value - System will search for the entered text when the Enter key is pressed if the cursor is in the text field, rather than having to tab to the OK button or to use the mouse to click on the OK button.
Grids Property Selection - Irrelevant properties are removed from the list of available properties. Properties are also ordered alphabetically and are no longer duplicated
Open Door Reporter > Export Report Data Export Report Data - File extensions are now defaulted to txt when exporting report data to text files. System successfully deletes the existing file if a user has been prompted to overwrite.

Major Features

Module Functionality
Web Service Keymas - Warehouse control - A Web service to pass information between hand held device and My.N. Stock can be booked in, Order completed, Stock take information passed through, Pre-Pick despatch and Despatch with Pallet control all linked in.