Module | Alterations |
Stock Item | Stock Item Delete - We have fixed an issue that stopped you from deleting a stock item. This has been fixed. |
Stock Bin Locations | Stock Bin Locations Delete - We have fixed an issue that stopped you from deleting a stock bin location. |
Print > Document Settings | Templates - New Journal, Cash Payment & Cash Receipt templates are available |
Purchases > Pay Suppliers | Payment Types - The default payment type from the supplier record is brought through to the Pay Suppliers screen. |
Sales > Despatch | Purchase Returns - Purchase Return stock picks are no longer left in a state of being half allocated when selecting Save, but not completing despatch. |
Nominal > Budgets | Load Speed - Load speed of View Budgets, Copy Budgets and Set Baseline has been increased substantially. |
Nominal > Browse Latest Transactions | Browse Latest Transactions - Part matched items are no longer duplicated on this screen |
Nominal > Trial Balance | Trial Balance Drilldown - Drilling down on a nominal with no transactions and then clicking Details no longer returns irrelevant data for transaction reference 99. |
Stock > Stock Take | Stock Take - Stock Take blocks users from adding service items & validates the list when selecting the Process button - checks that all items are stock tracked & have cost of sales and stock nominal to post against. User friendly error message is displayed if any items fail this validation. 'Order By' option now works correctly. |
Reporting > Nominal > Detailed Listing From Date | Detailed Listing From Date - ‘As at’ date is now defaulted to the processing date. |
Tools > Import | Import Budgets - Total budget amount only budgets can now be imported without having to include the breakdown by period. This will spread the total budget amount evenly. |
Company | CheckNewSalesOrderCredit - Added function to the Company object as it was only available on the Customer object |
OpenDoor | Page Size - When no printer is available OpenDoor will now default to A4 paper |
Stock -> Browse | VAT Margin Scheme - Sell price on stock browse corrected for VAT margin scheme items |
Paid Reserve Re-Purchase | Email - PRR document can now be emailed from the print queue |
Sales Order | Force Close - You can now force close forward orders |
Minor features
Module | Functionality |
Browse Customers | Browse Customers - We have added the view invoice and view credit buttons to the screen. |
Goods In | Goods In - When you receive goods in on a PO that is linked to a sales order that is back to back via stores, the stock items are immediately hard picked to the line item as you receive them. |
64-Bit Startup | 64-Bit Start-up - We have added functionality to launch My.N in 64-bit. |
Purchases > Authorise Invoices | Authorising Credit Notes - Query References are now available against purchase Credit Notes. Setting a Query Reference, along with the 'PCreditAuthReq' system parameter, will bring them through to the Authorise Invoices screen. It works in conjunction with the original purchase invoice authorisation tick box. The same default status and threshold system parameters will apply for both options. |
Nominal > Journals > Spread Journals | End of Month - New option to post spread journals to the last day of the month. Could only set a day of month previously e.g.. 28th for all months when February is included. |
Nominal > Browse Latest Transactions | Filter by Period Range - New Year & Period columns has been added to View Transaction Details screen . Filter by period range option is also available next to the date range filters. |
Tools > Import | Ignore First Line - A new 'Ignore First Line' tick box has been added when importing data. This can be used when an import file contains column header information. |
Grids | Select All - A 'select / deselect all' option is now available on all multi select grids. This option is the downwards pointing arrow above the multi select green arrows to the left hand side of the grid e.g. Print Queue |
Grids | Grid Options - New Find, Filter & Order By options have been added to the menu when left clicking on grid column headers. Column names are displayed when selecting 'Find', rather than the column numbers. 'Clear Filter On' will only clear the filter on the selected column, 'Order By (Asc)' and 'Order By (Desc)' options are now available, rather than having to open the original Order screen. 'Clear Order On' and 'Clear Order' options are also available. |
Upgrade | Version Number - Added additional version number to VersionInfo.nbf for users to force upgrades |
Upgrade | File Validation - Added validation to the upgrade process |
Nominal -> Trial Balance | Current Month - The interactive trial balance screen now defaults to current month |
Feature Authorisation | Feature Skin - Number of user to have concurrent access to a feature is available and the skin has been renamed to ensure this facility is shown |