Module |
Alterations |
Goods Received |
Back To Back Via Stores - The previous change to this of Hard picking the Stock to a sales Order caused the Allocated figure not to reflect this. This has been changed to take this type of stock into account |
Stocktake |
Count Process - When stock is hard picked or the Hard pick released the Allocated figure now reflects these quantities |
Invoice |
Price Rounding Issue - There was an issue that was highlighted when over picking if the quantity ordered multiplied by the unit cost was rounded when put into the database, the invoice then used this rounded value to calculate the new value as you were over despatching. |
Stock Allocation |
Stock Allocation - We have fixed an issue where stock take hard picks were setting the wrong transaction type. This has been fixed for shipments, customer order and stock takes. |
Purchase / Sales > View Ledger |
Grid Scrollbar - Grid scrollbar is now automatically scrolled back to the top when using the header filters to show the first result, which has the focus of the cursor. |
Nominal > Fixed Assets |
Load Speed - Load speed of View Fixed Assets & Depreciate has been increased substantially. |
Nominal > Nominal Accounts |
Mark as Dead - No longer possible to mark a nominal as dead if it's assigned against a cash book |
Nominal > View Latest Transactions |
Invoice & Credit Ref - Purchase invoice and credit ref columns now displays the user entered invoice / credit references |
Logging Off |
Log Off - All screens are automatically closed when logging off to complete the log off process. System wasn't completing the logging off process and prompting the user to log off when logging in the next time. |
Sales Order |
Excise Charges - Sales Orders never took the customers currency into consideration when charging Excise Rates. |
Module |
Functionality |
Print Queue |
DSO - the Despatch Sales Order from a Customer Order has the Customer account included in the print queue |
Sale Order |
Manufactured Order - When this is selected the Sales Order and Works Order documents are put into the Print Queue |
Customer Orders |
Picking Stock - An option to save a pick and not consume the stock facility |
Customer Orders |
Mark up % - This can be entered and the unit and line price is altered to include this. The Gross Profit % and Gross Profit £ are adjusted to match |
Customer Orders |
Gross Profit % - This can be entered and the unit and line price is altered to include this. The Mark up and Gross Profit £ are adjusted to match |
Customer Orders |
Gross Profit £ - This can be entered and the unit and line price is altered to include this. The Gross Profit % and Mark-up are adjusted to match |
Customer Orders |
Selling Price - If Pricing Method is type 'B' the Selling Price on the item is used. |
Customer Orders |
Manufactured Item - A button option is available to see the breakdown of the Bill of material, including the breakdown of any subcomponents with the quantity is available. |
Product Type |
Percentage Increase - By setting a value in the Percentage % field the cost of an item will be uplifted by this amount |
Product Group |
Percentage Increase - By setting a value in the Percentage % field the cost of an item will be uplifted by this amount |
Sales Order/Customer Order |
Manufactured Item - Each item on a BOM is looked up to get the Sell Price and if set the Percentage increase on the Product Types and Groups will be used instead. |
Customer Quotations |
Mark up % - This can be entered and the unit and line price is altered to include this. The Gross Profit % and Gross Profit £ are adjusted to match |
Customer Quotations |
Gross Profit % - This can be entered and the unit and line price is altered to include this. The Mark up and Gross Profit £ are adjusted to match |
Customer Quotations |
Gross Profit £ - This can be entered and the unit and line price is altered to include this. The Gross Profit % and Mark-up are adjusted to match |
Customer Quotations |
Manufactured Item - Each item on a BOM is looked up to get the Sell Price and if set the Percentage increase on the Product Types and Groups will be used instead. |
Goods Received |
Customer Order Bought In- If the Goods Received are for this type of order an option to consume the stock or leave as a hard pick is shown. |
Re-Allocate Orders |
Stock Available - This now looks at the individual lines for the total |
Documents |
Work Order Allocation Slip - This has been created so that Work Order information is included. |
Work Order Allocation Slip |
System Parameter - A option to use the Allocation Slip or the Work Order Allocation Slip is available. |
Purchase Invoice |
VAT Service Line - If an item is a service item and is for an EC country an option to show only in turnover is available and no in EC Purchases |
Sales Invoice |
VAT Service Line - If an item is a service item and is for an EC country an option to show only in turnover is available and no in EC Sales |
System Parameters |
Sales Order Pricing Method - A default to use the Current Selling Price can be set. |
64-Bit My.N |
64-Bit My.N - We have added 64-bit versions of the starter and main program. |
Job Management |
BOM - We have added functionality to edit the BOM directly and create a new stock item on the fly while doing customer order quotes. |
Job Management |
Delivery Address - You can now set up a delivery profile and save a new address to the customer. |
SSH FTP - Functionality has been added to allow the use for SFTP uploads for customers who use EDI. |
Hot Fix |
Vat Return Undo - We have added functionality to the hot fix to undo the most recent vat return providing the period is still open. |
Stocktake |
Stock Take - We have updated the functionality of the stock take screen to show the current quantity in stock as well as the picked quantity. Also we have stopped it from remembering any hard picked stock if you change the counted quantity. |
File > Document Settings |
Purchase Documents - PIC (Purchase Invoice Confirmation) and PCC (Purchase Credit Confirmation) documents are now available. These are generated when posting purchase invoices and credits. |
Organize > Email |
Use Outlook - Sender address is now validated when sending emails directly through Outlook. Sender address account must exist in Outlook on the PC |
Sales > EPOS |
Associate Tills - Option to dissociate / associate users to a different till. List of current tills is displayed when associating a new user to a till |
Sales > EPOS |
Reprint Receipts - Option to reprint previous EPOS receipts |
Nominal > Fixed Assets |
Fixed Asset Transactions - Fixed Asset description is displayed against fixed asset transactions e.g. depreciation, write off etc. |
Nominal > Cash Book Receipts |
Templates - Option to save and load cash book receipt templates |
Nominal > Financial Periods |
Following Year - A third financial year is now available (after next year) for depreciating fixed assets when the system is currently within the next financial year. There must be financial periods to cover the full calendar year from the date depreciation is run from e.g. divide the depreciation by 12 periods or 3 periods etc. |
Nominal > VAT Rates |
Default VAT Rates - Prevent users from deleting the system default VAT Rates (R0, R1, R2, EC0). An 'inactive' marker has been added |
Stock |
Stock Transactions - Stock code is now displayed against the stock nominal transaction lines e.g. stock increment, write off, transfer etc. |
Reports > Detailed Ledger Listing |
Debit & Credit - Report now displays debit and credit columns rather than a single amount column |
Tools > Import |
Validation - Fixed asset import now validates date, quantity, unit cost, initial depreciation & serial number. Purchase Ledger import validates the length of the ExtRef field, which is 25 characters. Staff member validation now validates all types of staff members, not just the ones marked as salespeople. |
Sage Pay |
Sage Pay - We have added functionality too sage pay to allow the encryption of TLS1.2. |