
Module Alterations
Certification Test Batch Certification Test - If test failed to save, the test was still marked as complete. This has been corrected
Sales & Purchases VAT Status - This now reflects the country related to the posting
Nominal > Budget Revision Budget Revision - All screens & menu are disabled while budget revision is in progress to prevent users from closing the screen or selecting save a second time
Nominal > Copy Budgets Copy Budgets - All screens & menu are disabled while copy budgets is in progress to prevent users from closing the screen or selecting save a second time
App Menu Core Closing Down - We added a re try count of 3 so if the program fails to close after 3 times it force shuts down.
MTDfB MTDfB Receipt Headers - We now display the correct receipt ID.
Importer Import Company Details - We have fixed an issue when importing multiple companies delivery routes.

Minor Features

Module Functionality
Purchase Invoice VAT Reverse Charges -Charges for services e.g. web advertisement from amazon have to be recorded in boxes 1,4,6 and 7
Sales Online Address search - This has been enhanced so besides the Post code to find an address to any part of an address can be used..
Sales Online Muli-Country Search - The online address search now includes the rest of the world
Purchase Invoice for Orders Order Status - For each line a flag is available to say what is outstanding. This can be filtered so only those lines due are displayed
Purchase Goods In Order Status - For each line a flag is available to say what is outstanding. This can be filtered so only those lines due are displayed
Purchase Goods In Receive Date - A filter is available to show only those lines that are due are shown.
Standard Reports Report Security - All Standard reports can have the access to each one set to each user. Before you had access to all Reports or not.
Nominal Nominal Browse - did not include Balance nominals if the Allow to post to Balance sheet was set to true in system parameters
Sales Orders Net Price - This allows for up to 18 decimal places.
Purchases / Sales > View Supplier / Customer Ledger > Statement Cancel Transaction / Unmatch - System now records which transactions have been cancelled / unmatched & blocks users from using these options for a second time on the same transactions.
Nominal > Spread Journal Spread Journal - New assign button to automatically assign a reference for the spread journal, rather than having to manually type one (SJ-000000). Spread Journal saved when 'Save' is selected, rather than when a reference is assigned.
Nominal > View Latest Transactions Reverse Journal - System now records which transactions have been auto reversed & blocks users from using these options for a second time on the same transactions.
nbfManager Passwords - Passwords can now contain the following special characters; ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Year End Year End Format - System now recognises the Australian date format of d/MM/yyyy
Printing Paper Size - We now get the paper size from the printer instead of assuming A4.
