
Module Alterations
Purchases > Supplier Ledger Figures Supplier Ledger Figures - 0-30, 30-60, 60-90, 90-120 figures are now displayed with the correct sign
Nominal > Journal, Payments & Receipts VAT Control Account - Users are now blocked from selecting a VAT control account
Nominal > Spread Journal VAT - VAT Rate is set correctly when posting spread journals
Nominal > Cash Book IBAN - IBAN & Swift Code / BIC validation altered to allow all possible combinations
Stock > Stock Items Delete - Reviews, Specs, Scores & Varieties are now deleted as part of the stock item delete. These caused foreign key errors
Stock > Write Off & Revaluation Stock Write Off & Revaluation - System now blocks users from selecting a control account when writing off or revaluing stock
Logoff Logoff - System now closes successfully when users attempt to close My.N while Open Door reports are still open in the background
Despatch Progress bar - Error while auto picking selected orders is now fixed
Report Export to Excell Exporting Report Data - Fixed an issue that when you had multiple of the same reports open it would only export the last ran report.
Reports Purchase Due Now Report - Did not show credits from Monthly.

Minor Features

Module Functionality
Contract Pricing Contract Browse - When called from the Sales Order the Browse will filter to the customer as default
Despatch Invoice Notes - This has been increased to 2048 characters
Stock Tests Batch testing - There is a facility on the Stock item to specify every when a test is to be done rather than use the suppliers test results. When the batch is called up in the Test certification module this number is checked with how many has passed through and if a test is due a message appears.
Stock Tests Batch testing - The user entering all test information is logged
Trade Shipments Shipments - Purchase Orders can be added to a trade
Sales Orders INCO Terms - These can be added to a Sales Order
Sales Orders INCO Destination - The destination for the INCO terms can be set
Pay Suppliers Bulk Payment - Suppliers set to be Direct Debit can be excluded/included from the Bulk Payment list
Companies Review Date - a date specifying when the account was checked can be set here.
Depots Browse Depots - The depots marked as dead are excluded from the browses
Nominal > Cost Centre & Department Field Length - Length of the Code column is capped to 6 characters to prevent the SQL truncated error message
Application Size Application Size - My.N application is now opened in maximized mode if was closed in maximized mode (remembers size on logoff)
Skins Skin Location - Skins are opened at the top left hand corner of the screen (X=0, Y=0) if user doesn't have permission to edit skins
Customer Orders Auto Close - Tick box added to allow the user to prevent the automatic closing of a customer order
Reports Sales Aged Balances - When ageing from the due date the due date field is now shown on the report
Sage Pay Sage Pay - We have added functionality to take payment via Sage Pay forms

Major Features

Module Functionality
General Inactivity Timeout - An inactivity time lapse in minutes can be entered against a Staff member. If left blank the timeout is not used. The inactivity is based against modules being opened and reports being run.
Skins Populate Skins - This option is authorised in NbfManager and if allowed will appear in the File dropdown menu. The skin the user is on will be sent to all users unless in the Staff module the opt out option has been selected.
Main Menu Populate Menu - This option is authorised in NbfManager and if allowed will appear in the File dropdown menu. The Menu will be sent to all users unless in the Staff module the opt out option has been selected.
